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Articles by xsimplely2

repetition...   10/26/2019

if you do something enough times, over and over, you are bound do soemthing well. <br><br> <br><br> at least once

0 Comments, 10 Views, 0 Votes
when you know its time ..   10/6/2019

well, first off, there's always going to 'that thing' // you know ? <br><br> and when that happens .. well .. that's when you know, you know?

0 Comments, 5 Views, 0 Votes
Quick Quiz ..   8/26/2019

So, when you first date a woman, does an one do so without alcohol? <br><br> I mean, in truth ... ahh, what would we do without?

0 Comments, 50 Views, 0 Votes
Joke time ..   8/25/2019

So, on my first dates, I always like to make some early joke about sex. If they at least laugh, then I know we will have a good time; if not, then it's time to drink!

0 Comments, 36 Views, 0 Votes
Something happened ..   8/3/2019

I'm not too sure, but i am pretty sure, that something happened. At least once. It was a long time ago, but not too long. And I am almost positive of that. But of course, I certainly do know o

0 Comments, 586 Views, 0 Votes