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Something new something different 8/25/2021 After lunch Sara sat reading when George walked in. He made small talk as he moved around the kitchen. Clomp, clomp, clomp of his new boots as he moved around and yet he received no failed to get a re 0 Comments, 51 Views, 0 Votes | |
What was one of your best dates ever? 7/24/2021 A particular one stands out for me. A new Star Wars movie was out and everyone wanted to see it. My girlfriend and I had made plans to go and her older very attractive married sister was in town alone 0 Comments, 14 Views, 0 Votes | |
Okay folks, What's your worst, oddest or funniest date ever? 7/18/2021 I was in the military and traveled home to take a special someone. During that time awaiting said date I took a nap the started getting ready for the date. Well, my Dad needed to make a parts run to 0 Comments, 18 Views, 0 Votes |