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Anger ISSUES 11/9/2019 Most men get very angry when I turn them down. I go from you've got the greatest ass on earth to fuck you bitch you must be gay in seconds. What I don't get is that by doing so don't they 0 Comments, 29 Views, 0 Votes | |
Anger ISSUES 11/9/2019 Most men get very angry when I turn them down. I go from you've got the greatest ass on earth to fuck you bitch you must be gay in seconds. What I don't get is that by doing so don't they 0 Comments, 37 Views, 0 Votes | |
Funny? 10/15/2014 If you write me and ask to fuck, suck or perform any other sex act with you before we've had a chance to chat first then I'll know you're just being funny. 0 Comments, 108 Views, 0 Votes | |
How to make this site better. 9/11/2014 I think this site would improve greatly if would stop free members from contacting paid members. Almost all the unwanted attention comes from guys that are free members. 0 Comments, 160 Views, 0 Votes | |
Guess what? 9/10/2014 I was at a swinger's party recently. The conversation was about all the single guys that jerk off on this site. Most of the couples there talked about how the husband watched and pretended to be the w 0 Comments, 136 Views, 0 Votes |